Most efficient way of converting a number in scientific notation into a Suffix and back?

I am trying to convert a number into a suffix as well as being able to unpack a suffix.
Example : 1 * 10^6 → 1M
Example: 1B → 10^9

The only knowledge I currently know is using if and elseif statements (which would be highly inefficient and unclean) to pack it into a suffix, but I have no clue on how I would be able to unpack a suffix.

Every post is Appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe something like this?

local Suffixes = {"K", "M", "B", "T", "Q"}

local function GetSuffix(Input)
    local Base, Exponent = string.match(Input, "(%d+)^(%d+)") -- get the seperate numbers
    Base, Exponent = tonumber(Base), tonumber(Exponent)
    if not Base or not Exponent then return end

    local Index = math.floor(Number / 3) -- get the size of the number it is (hundred, thousand, million, etc.)
    return (Base/10)..Suffixes[Index] -- return the result

print(GetSuffix("10^6")) -- 10M

My code is untested btw lol

To do it the other way, you’d simply reverse the operations. i.e. Multiply base by 10, get the exponent


Updated Post: January 2nd, 2021

@VitalWinter made a pretty good suggestion, so I’ve rewritten the code to introduce this and made some additional improvements:

local suffixes = {"K", "M", "B", "T", "Q"} -- numbers don't go higher than 'Q' in Lua.

local function toSuffixString(n)
	local i = math.floor(math.log(n, 1e3))
	local v = math.pow(10, i * 3)
	return ("%.1f"):format(n / v):gsub("%.?0+$", "") .. (suffixes[i] or "")

Then, if you want to convert back:

local function fromSuffixString(s)
	local n, suffix = string.match(s, "(.*)(%a)$")
	if n and suffix then
		local i = table.find(suffixes, suffix) or 0
		return tonumber(n) * math.pow(10, i * 3)
	return tonumber(s)

Original Post: September 12th, 2018

Personally I would do the following for converting a number to a string with a suffix.

local suffixes = {"K", "M", "B", "T", "Q", "Qu", "S", "Se", "O", "N", "D"}

local function toSuffixString(n)
	for i = #suffixes, 1, -1 do
		local v = math.pow(10, i * 3)
		if n >= v then
			return ("%.0f"):format(n / v) .. suffixes[i]
	return tostring(n)

While to do the reverse you could do something such as

local function fromSuffixString(s)
	local v, suffix = s:match("(%d+)(.*)")
	for i = 1, #suffixes do
		if suffixes[i] == suffix then
			return tonumber(v) * math.pow(10, i * 3)
	return tonumber(v)

Thanks for the quick replies!

Oops clicked Send by accident way too early.

I’ve tested your code to see which one would help.

@woot3 yours seems to have worked but when I tried inputting 1500000 (1.5 Million), it came out as 2 million. I don’t want to be confusing players so decimals would be fine in this case.

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If you change the following line

return ("%.0f"):format(n / v) .. suffixes[i]

to the following then you’ll be able to show numbers to 1 decimal place.

return ("%.1f"):format(n / v) .. suffixes[i]

Generally I think it’s a good idea to round your numbers at some point to keep your strings short.


Also please make sure you do NOT do the converting from suffix form part (at least if you are trying to actually store or read data accurately). I am pretty sure you will not need it because of the rounding, but just as a precaution you do not want to have a constant 1.1B because you cannot round up fast enough before you leave.


Pretty sure I fixed it now, it was an issue with string.match. FYI you should learn to debug stuff like this yourself so we only have to show you what you need to do – that’s kind of what programming is about anyway (problem solving) :slight_smile:


Instead of iterating through suffixes, you could check if a suffix exists at this index:

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How would I do that for a gui? This is the code I have in my gui:

script.Parent.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash.Value

while true do


script.Parent.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash.Value


Try something like

local suffixes = {"K", "M", "B", "T", "Q", "Qu", "S", "Se", "O", "N", "D"}

local function toSuffixString(n)
	for i = #suffixes, 1, -1 do
		local v = math.pow(10, i * 3)
		if n >= v then
			return ("%.0f"):format(n / v) .. suffixes[i]
	return tostring(n)

script.Parent.Text = toSuffixString(game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash.Value)

and also don’t use

because it can be optimised more with the code below that only runs whenever a change is made to the cash value

   script.Parent.Text = toSuffixString(game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Cash.Value)

That’s pretty sensible. There are definitely some other things which could be improved so I’ll update the code.

local suffixes = {"K", "M", "B", "T", "Q"} -- numbers don't go higher than 'Q' in Lua.

local function toSuffixString(n)
	local i = math.floor(math.log(n, 1e3))
	local v = math.pow(10, i * 3)
	return ("%.1f"):format(n / v):gsub("%.?0+$", "") .. (suffixes[i] or "")

This version rounds to one decimal place and removes trailing zeros after the decimal point which should result in better looking numbers.

Here’s the updated counterpart:

local function fromSuffixString(s)
	local n, suffix = string.match(s, "(.*)(%a)$")
	if n and suffix then
		local i = table.find(suffixes, suffix) or 0
		return tonumber(n) * math.pow(10, i * 3)
	return tonumber(s)
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Hey, I know this is an old topic, but I’m having a small issue.


would return “1.2K” instead of “1.1K”. Is there a way I can change this?

the usage of %.1f rounds the decimal automatically, in that case it went up

you can replace

("%.1f"):format(n / v)


("%f"):format(math.floor(n / v * 10) / 10)

this lets you do the rounding yourself, but only by rounding down