Most efficient way to handle hordes of zombies in a multiplayer game?

what would be the best way to handle large amounts zombies in a multiplayer game? like detecting the players and pathfinding, most of the pathfinder freemodels i’ve used are slow as they aren’t meant to be used that way

The best way would probably be to control all the zombies from 1 script and use stuff like coroutines so that they don’t all do the same thing and interfere with each other

sounds good, but what about the pathfinding? wouldn’t i have to generate a new nav path each time to get to the player or is there a better way

wouldn’t i have to generate a new nav path each time to get to the player

i think that would be expensive to do. instead, you can create a nav path once for all the zombies to follow

but what about the pathfinding?

it depends on your game. if you want the zombies to be a bit more advanced, check out A* pathfinding.

if you want your pathfinding to be simple, you can just use the MoveTo() function. games like Zombie Strike use this method

yeah i don’t want to use MoveTo(), i’ll check out A* pathfinding, thanks.

actually wait, is there any good tutorial on a* pathfinding? like making the nav path etc

i don’t know about making a nav path, but here are some resources on a* pathfinding to help ya out