Most underrated feature - Types

Setting the type as "Hello World" means that the value should only be equal to a “Hello World” string.

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Kindof, if you use nonstrict lua then it’s up to you, you can use types to describe functions, for instance:

local function Calculate(a: number, b: number): "Returns sum of a + b"
    return a + b

Yes, you can use wrong types with non-strict Lua but it doesn’t mean it’s a right thing to do.

Hm, does it actually apply the description or it just displays the description as a type?

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In my opinion, its better practice to use multiline comments to describe functions, since it actually shows up in the autocomplete

	returns the sum of a and b
local function add(a: number, b: number): number
	return a + b

plus you can do more than 1 line:

	returns the sum of a and b
	both arguments are numbers
local function add(a: number, b: number): number
	return a + b

and if you still insist to use “” for describing functions, then you would be in a complete hell of types. since the intellisense would infer it as the exact string annotated in the function. so, for example, instead of having {state: 0, value: 10}, you would get "returns the state and value", and wont get the proper autocompletion (you would get string functions like :sub, :match, etc… instead of .value and .state)

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i did not know you could that! that’s really cool


i understand, but still it was simply just showcase what some people do, personally i prefer single line comment for functions

it becomes very useful in functions because it will allow for auto complete
it will show an error if you wrote a different string in strict mode but autocomplete will show in all modes
for example

type calculatorModes = "Add" | "Subtract" | "Multiply" | "Divide" -- strings that will autocomplete

local function calculator(num1 :number, num2 : number, mode : calculatorModes) : number
	if mode == "Add" then
		return num1 + num2
	elseif mode == "Subtract" then
		return num1 - num2
	elseif mode == "Multiply" then
		return num1 * num2
	elseif mode == "Divide" then
		return num1 / num2

calculator(5,5, "AutoComplete will show here")



Types aren’t under-rated at all. I use them on a daily basis and most of the experienced programmers on roblox do as well. Regardless if it’s within object-oriented enviroments or just for function input, I dislike creating function’s without using types, and I rely on custom networking solutions like ByteNet due to their strictly typed nature.

Real world example of me using types:

function string, eventName: string, ...)
        local self = setmetatable({}, Class)

        self.eventName = eventName
        self.category = category

                category = category,
                eventID = self.eventId,
                eventName = eventName,
                eventFunc = "new",
                props = table.pack(...),

        print(self.eventId) -- for debugging/diagnosing memory leaks

        return self
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Still, beginners never learn about them because youtube doesn’t have any direct tutorial about them, by making this tutorial i wanted to show that this feature can be usefull to make their code better

YouTube is a generally bad platform for learning roblox scripting. Most youtuber’s don’t know what they’re doing, Don’t provide enough information, Or are just inefficient.

Still most people go there to learn, and later search on dev forum

omg please just type : any thank you


i can’t tell if this is a joke or not, but the effort is commendable i must say