Motor6d, Current Angle Problem when animation plays

So I’m working on a combat system and I’m stuck on unsheathe because the motor6d current angle keeps changing when I don’t want it to change. Source code :

local CharacterConfigs = Character.Configs;
				local WeaponConfigs = CharacterConfigs.WeaponConfigs

				local WeaponOffset = WeaponConfigs.WeaponOffset
				local CombatData = WeaponData.CombatData;
				local UnsheathedMotorData = CombatData.MotorData.Unsheathed;

				WeaponOffset.Part0 = Character[UnsheathedMotorData.Part]

				WeaponOffset.C0 = UnsheathedMotorData.C0WeaponOffset
				WeaponOffset.C1 = UnsheathedMotorData.C1WeaponOffset

				WeaponOffset.CurrentAngle = 0

Some reason it happens when I play an animation with it.
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It’s been some time, did you manage to find a solution?

Found it