Try changing the C0 or C1 position of the Motor6D like this:
Motor6D.C0.Position = -- Your position
Try changing the C0 or C1 position of the Motor6D like this:
Motor6D.C0.Position = -- Your position
Wait, how would I do it though? I don’t really know how to exactly do that.
I tried using and but it just says Position cannot be assigned to in “Output”. I’m a little new to scripting so I don’t know how’d I get my position.
Just click the Motor6D (in workspace) → Properties → C0 → Position → Change the stuff
How would I change it? While Playtesting? This Motor6D is an instance, I tried to change the orientation and position of the Motor6D while playing and it doesn’t do anything.
There’s 2 properties that you have the set (C0 and C1) in order for the Motor6D to work. Do this:
Motor6D.C0.Position =, idk, idk)
Uh, could you send me a picture of the Motor6D in workspace (while testing)?
And it’s properties too.
Try this instead:
Motor6D.C0 = Motor6D.C0.Rotation +, idk, idk)
Still ended up with this:
Maybe try this too (after the snippet of code I just provided):
Motor6D.C0.Orientation =, 90, 0)
Edit: I meant Orientation not Rotation
Maybe also try this I guess:
Motor6D.C0= Motor6D.C0.Orientation +, 90, 0)
I keep accidentally typing Rotation for some reason.
Or you could try:
Motor6D.C0 *=, 90, 0)
Yeah i don’t really use Motor6Ds often or really anything related to Roblox’s ”physics objects”.
That’s probably why I keep getting things a but confused.
It’s ok, at least you tried to help! Hopefully I’ll get this fixed
Alright here’s a post I found to maybe help you:
Edit: best wishes!
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