Motor6D Problem

I meant he could just scrap welding manually completely and use toolgripeditor. MB for bad wording.

That would probably be a good idea.
Also C0 and C1 aside, those shouldn’t be causing the animation to be affected

How can I obtain these values? (C0, C1)

Well, using a script you can just get Motor6D.C0 and Motor6D.C1 and then paste them into a CFrame value :>
I got this

	Motor6D.C0 =, -1, 0, 1, 0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0)
	Motor6D.C1 =, -1.15548325, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)

by putting this into the command bar
Then I just copied it from the console


Is this with the C0 and C1 from my code?

No, but they are the same.

That’s weird… for me it works perfectly fine, animation and where the bat is positioned.

Can you please send me your version of the game with animation?

Here’s the file, but you will need to change the animation Ids back to yours
UpdatedTool.rbxl (84.0 KB)
Also, the game won’t be in R6 :<

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It works… Thank you!

If the scripts are exactly the same, then I have no idea why it isn’t working in your file. (Also srry for leaving my avatar in the game file xD)
Hopefully this will work for you and you don’t run into anymore issues :3


I also don’t understand why this is happening. I’ve been trying to fix it all day. It’s okay, you have a beautiful skin.

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