MouseEnter and MouseLeave not functioning as expected

Idk how else to help, I looked at the gui and I don’t want to code to that much of a degree

regardless, when you hoverin a button lets say hello, set any other visible menu lists in that particular list (which will later exist if you are making a full functioning safe chat system) to visible.false

then lets go back to hello, we see hi and howdy, lets say you hoverin howdy automatically set any other resulting menu to visible false (event though none other menus are visible), then lets say i hover over hi, set all other menus from the corresponding list to visible.false

this is a large magnitude of coding that I won’t do for you since its merely tedious for me to do so.

“So, the code is correct? Please elaborate further.”

yes, but it lacks the necessary code to make it properly functioning how you are wanting it.

Ok, that solves the overlay problem, but i still cant make it to the “Hi everyone” and etc.

can you send the file so i can see whats up

Sure thing! SafeChatTest1.rbxl

SafeChatTest1 (1).rbxl (31.7 KB)

I done a lot of coding here for you in the file above.

this is barebones (not really it does all the hassle for you) and unoptimized (i couldve easilly made redundant code into a singular function but i didnt) but it successfully does the job. you have to do the coding for how when you click, it removes the menu or when you mouse out of the entire thing, it removes it., you will need the arena you painted above for that

i’d appreciate if you marked this as solution

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I’ll test it later. Thanks for helping!

when you do check it, look for the singular local script within options. thats where all the code is

I can also walk you through it if necessary @TheRealSpriteMan1337 preferably through disc vc & stream (pm me if u do) its really simple but it was annoying to code sort of