Mouse.Target not working with CollisionGroups

I have set the parts of a rig to be members of a CollisionGroup which has collisions turned off by ‘default’. This was done because I don’t want the rig to collide with anything but setting it to CanCollide false caused the HumanoidRootPart to still collide with other parts. So using CollisionGroups was the perfect solution. Until…

When I attempt to use Mouse.Target it does not recognise the parts in the CollisionGroup. It just passes straight through the part as if it were on the mouses TargetFilter.

Is there any way to solve this or any alternatives that I could use to work around this? This is a game breaking issue.

Don’t use Mouse.Target, it doesn’t have collision group control because it’s old tech and hence the default collision group for the Mouse.Target ray is “default”, no changing this.

It’s superseded by the newer user inputs services which you can control the collision groups by using a simple function like this except you can use it to return the raycastResult.Instance instead of the position.

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