:MoveTo doesn't work

Im calling :MoveTo on a humanoid. On your example, there is no goal for the player to go, whish should be here be the plr who arrested the person (in the script refered as plr)

Hi, I want to make an Arrest System. The Animation and everything works, but if I try to make the Arrested Person follow the person who arrested him by a click, it doesnt work

It sends all prints like it should. Inserting the player into the cuffed table, removing works too and when I click the Follow button

sorry man im kind of busy with stuff if this isnt solved by tomorrow ill try helping again, seems you have other people to help so ill be doing my things. sorry.

Everything alright! I appreciate your help. Myself is going to sleep in 1h

wait so what are you looping through in target?
Not sure why you are using ipairs if you are not using the v pointer.

Is target a single object or a list of objects?

target is a Table which contains all persons who are cuffed at the moment by the person who clicked the Follow button

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Does the table actually refer or contain a reference to the playercharacter you want to call? Also if a player leaves, this will throw an error.

 -- Get a list of player characters
    local playerCharacters = {} -- Replace this with your list of player characters

    -- Loop through the list and make each character follow you
    for _, character in pairs(playerCharacters) do
        if character:IsA("Model") then
            local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
            if humanoid then
--make them follow you

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So the table I have, is again, a list of players who are cuffed atm. All this players should follow the person who cuffed them by clicking a button.
Because of the error, your right. I can just do a Left function and then remove the player from the table.

The problem is still, that the player/s who are cuffed, are standing still and are not following the person who cuffed them

Hm. Might be because they are player controlled characters, so the script wouldn’t work.
You might have to disable the player controls so they cant move away / interfere with movement, then manually tween/move the characters humanoidroot part or model through a loop.

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disabled now playercontrols, still dont work