Moving a part along a RopeConstraint

How would I make a part follow along a RopeConstraint? Is there a way to get the math that’s used internally?

I want to make a part start at the Attachment0 then move along the ropes curve to the Attachment1.

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If it helps your googling, they’re probably modeling the shape with something called a “catenary curve”. Also, for the purposes of those equations, the gravity constant in roblox is 196 studs/sec^2.

I might take a crack at this later, but that might get you somewhere.

You could also probably approximate it with a parabola (or even try euler integration or something) – and maybe the devs did too.

edit: here is a fun desmos I found. Turn on equation 6 and you can see some of the math. It’s overkill to do this, I think. I would probably approximate it.

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i believe an easy way to do it would be to create a quadratic beziers curve
point 0 of the beziers curve being attachment0
point 2 of the beziers curve being attachment 1
and then you could play with the maths a bit to position point 1 so that the end curve is good enough
(Bézier Curves | Roblox Creator Documentation) an easy to follow guide to bezier curves

This is years later. But did you figure this out by any chance?

For people in the future looking for an answer you can find it here