show me the playergui, i dont know what the screengui is called
i had to edit the script, which fixed that, please copy and paste the scripts again
hmmm, try replacing .LevelGui with :WaitForChild(“LevelGui”) in the local script
should i also do this for right? because after this i am coding left and they are both children of main
Bro can you just give me access to your game and i’ll fix it quickly because i don’t understand
this is exactly what im trying to say lol, i dont know whats going on if i dont have the game
i dont have the ability to, im working with a friend on a group and they are the owner
This guy is on zaza not gonna lie 87 replys and he still didnt get it fixed
nah i think hes just really new to roblox studio and his game structure is really bad
theres just too many errors…
nah bro i told him to record a video of the explorer he made a yt video and didnt really show the explorer
try to learn the basics of coding before coding a game, please, it saves everybody a LOT of time
i just recorded on obs and threw it on yt
i know some but im still pretty bad
once you know how to use for loops that can loop through tables and use remote events and stuff you can start coding some games
my friend is supposed to code but he just never comes on so im left to do it
My sigma brother so you are trying to make when the player touchs a checkpoint the player spawns on the checkpoint and the player can teleport to any checkpoint that he unlocked?
thats the idea, using the left and right to navigate
why do you have like 4 scripts to do that