MTL Not loading

  1. What do you want to achieve? I am making a GFX, and I am realatively new to this. I am importing obj’s from roblox studio.
    I want the texture to be like this.

  2. What is the issue? The texture for the buildings are not loading. They are both in my “Documents” file.
    But the texture does not load…

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I have tried converting the MTL to a PNG and applying it to the OBJ’s texture.


I also have a character model in their, and it has correctly loaded.


This should help. If you need more help feel free to contact me.

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I know you are looking specifically for Roblox textures, but as someone with experience in rendering, I can say that making your own brick material will result in a much better and higher resolution final product.

Blender even has a Brick node that does 98% of the work for you haha. Here’s my node tree for this material - a simple bump node for the mortar can make lighting hit the wall more appropriately too!