Multiple animations causing immense graphical lag

When there are multiple animations, of a high calibre on a model, the FPS when playing the animations back, goes down to 3FPS, from a stable 60FPS. This wasn’t an issue a few weeks ago, and has now halted our animation production because of it being unbearable to work with animations in Studio.

Here is a video showcasing the issue :

You can clearly see, how the FPS goes from 60 → 45, from a SINGLE animation on the model being played. And going from 60 → 10 FPS, when there’s a mere 9 total animations on the model. (We some times have up to 25-30 unique animations pr. model, so FPS can reach as low as 2-3 FPS. Anything below 30 FPS is unacceptable to work with.)

And no, this is not an issue with my PC. I got an RTX 3090, and my employees are reporting the same issue. (y)

Expected behavior

Animations playing smoothly, regardless of amount of keyframes (keyframe amount within reason) & length of animation.

A few weeks ago, I used to be able to playback these animations without trouble, even when there were 20 HQ animations on one model. Now, I can hardly play more than one.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Hi there!

Thanks for your report. Does the issue happen when you are using the Animation Clip Editor to preview the animation, or when you run your experience in Studio?

I would be very useful to see the microprofiler dumps from when your framerate is normal and reduced. You open the microprofiler with Ctrl-F6, and once opened, pause it with Ctrl-p. It might be obvious from long bars where your execution time is going. You can also use the very small menubar at the top to select Dump->512 Frames, which will save an HTML file in your user directory, C:\Users<your username>\microprofile-########-######.html

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Using the Roblox animation editor!

Here’s with one animation on model :

Here’s with 9 animations on model :

Here’s dump with 1 animation :
microprofile-20230420-205241.html (8.6 MB)

Here’s dump with 9 animations :
microprofile-20230420-205007.html (7.2 MB)

@AllYourBlox @Parraing
You figuring out something?

We’re unable to work on animations before this is fixed, and I’m sure it is effecting others too. :thumbsup:

Hi there! Apologies for the delay.

We are still investigating this issue. Is there any chance you could send us a place (not just the model or the animation, even if that is all the place contains) and more detailed repro steps?


Any update on this? I’m experiencing something similar.

Actually, yes!

The issue is caused by having too many instances in the rig hierarchy (those instances likely being all the local animations saved in the AnimSaves folder).

We have decided to change the way we store those animations, but that required a tool to migrate them to their new location - which explains the delay. This feature is in its last stage of QA and should be explained in more details very soon.

In the meantime, if there are animations in the AnimSaves folder that you don’t need anymore (because they have been published), deleting them should improve the performance you see. Note that even if you delete them in your experience, you can always import them again.


Thank you for your response, but I don’t have an AnimSaves folder inside of my rigs hierarchy?

Although, there are a lot of bones instead of my character’s mesh. I tried removing all of the bones and it seemed to solve the problem (but I need the bones).

Will this be fixed when the feature you said is released?

That’s unlikely since the upcoming feature is specifically targeted at the AnimSaves folder.

Could you send me the rig and an animation causing the issue?

The issue of slowdowns should be fixed now that animations are no longer saved under the workspace (see KeyframeSequences create potentially thousands of instances, and that has a cost under the workspace. Marking as fixed.