I use Gravity Controller and have added a script so that if a player is jumping and presses space, it will Raycast and if it hits, it moves the player to that location.
I am making this post because I want to slightly change this function so that it Raycasts in multiple directions.
It currently cast the ray from the HRP LookVector. I want it to be cast from the UpVector, LookVector, and -UpVector.
However, I have little experience with RayCasting and am not even sure if this is possible.
If someone could get me moving on the right track, then that will be good enough help!
Here is the code I currently use:
function latch() -- A new latch function should be made and raycast should happen in multiple directions
-- and used for flying
local origin = HRP.Position
local direction = HRP.CFrame.LookVector * REACH -- Side note this could be used and constantly played during the dash?
local result = Workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, rayParams)
if not result then return end
latchingToWall = result.Normal
latchingToWall = nil
Sure. Raycast multiple times from the same origin. Store the hit positions of any that hit. Figure out which of those is closest to the origin. Use that one.
Honestly I am very new to scripting and have only been working on it for a month.
So I am not sure how to raycast multiple times and store the hits.
I would know how to figure out which is closest and use it, but getting to that point is something I have never done before.
I messed around with the function last night and was able to figure out a way of doing what I want but I am not sure if there are any downsides to it, so I would prefer going with your method.
local results -- Need to figure out how to instantly rotate the player to results(), or maybe just teleport them to the results?
function latching()
latchingToWall = results
latchingToWall = nil
results = nil
function upward()
local origin = HRP.Position
local direction = HRP.CFrame.UpVector * REACH
local result = Workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, rayParams)
if result then
results = result.Normal
if not result then return end
function latch() -- A new latch function should be made and raycast should happen in multiple directions
-- and used for flying
local origin = HRP.Position
local direction = HRP.CFrame.LookVector * REACH -- Side note this could be used and constantly played during the dash?
local result = Workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, rayParams)
if result then
results = result.Normal
if results == nil then
print("results nil next raycast")
if results ~= nil then
print("latching began")
if results ~= nil then
print("latching began")
Ah I see. You basically just do one raycast after another, and check if the current one is closer than the last one.
Here, I packaged it into a function for you. I left comments that explain what it does. If you have any questions just ask!
-- raycasts from one origin in multiple directions
-- parameters:
-- origin: Vector3 the origin of all the rays
-- directions: Array<Vector3> a list of all the directions
-- rayParams: RaycastParams the parameters for each raycast (optional)
local function MultiRaycast(origin, directions, rayParams)
local finalResult = nil
local finalDistanceToOrigin = nil
-- for each of the directions passed in,
for _, dir in directions do
-- do a new raycast
local result = workspace:Raycast(origin, dir, rayParams)
if result then
if finalResult then
-- check the distance of this raycast's hit
local distanceToOrigin = (result.Position - origin).Magnitude
if (distanceToOrigin < finalDistanceToOrigin) then
-- and if its the closest one yet, replace finalResult
-- with this one
finalResult = result
finalDistanceToOrigin = distanceToOrigin
-- this is the first raycast that hit something
finalResult = result
return finalResult
You just it instead of Workspace:Raycast with a table of directions like this:
local origin = HRP.Position
local directions = {
HRPCFrame.LookVector * REACH,
Vector3.new(0, REACH, 0),
Vector3.new(0, -REACH, 0)
-- ...any other directions you want to check
local result = MultiRaycast(origin, directions)
if result then
-- do whatever