Murder madness is looking for builders [CLOSED]

About Us

Hi there! We are Camo Studios , a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game,Murder Madness!

for info about mechanics on the game use the google form and apply for the forms to prevent stealing.

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder to join our team as our lead content artist. We expect high quality builds that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.We also need some features that can make the game better like a alarm that will make the map go red. For 30 seconds.

example of games style

Our game needs at least 1 maps by may 25th. I expect the maps to take about a week. (NO FREE MODELS TO PREVENT HACKERS)


We are paying ROBUX per asset. Our preferred payment method is PERCENT. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.

Contact Us

apply by using the google form .
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Uhh bro I can do Low Poly, High Poly and Medium Poly, but I cant select this 3 in the Forms

I can do low poly builds and modern furniture as well as sci-fi builds. I am over 13 and have 2 years of experience on Roblox. (Sorry, my showcase is not completed yet but you can see some of my creations in my “creations” page username: Pokemongo2537")

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sorry i’ll fix atm. Sorry if you can do all 3!!

Sorry for the bug on the building selection it’s fixed ! :slight_smile:

hey who ever image linked this i can’t see your profile…

i’ll be checking all the applications tommorow GL!

This seems like a great opportunity. It’s a shame that the pay is by pecentage only. :frowning:

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we have backup XD we are in contact with many youtubers so beta testing on may 25 you can attend!

I can provide you guys w assets, here is my portfolio [Open] Builder for hire!

:man_facepalming: Im very sorry who ever this is tell them i don’t speak this…And i don’t use whatsapp

I am working for 2 people right now Itzbeastboyz and Coldgekos

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Late response, Please dm me on discord; Pram the clamツ#9508 If your in need of any other help :wink:

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Looks great man! hope you got your people looks like your game is really coming along well :smiley:

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yeah! it is! we had some errors like our first scripter leaving…But we are still friends…

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like on our 1st month, of developing`

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It looks pretty good for your first month

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It’s not our first month I’m saying before all of this 4 months ago…

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