I have a script for sound regions, but when I die and respawn in the SAME sound region the song resets and goes back from the beggining, is there anything I can do so it won’t reset?
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local soundRegions = workspace:WaitForChild(“SoundRegions”)
soundRegions = soundRegions:GetChildren()
local soundManagement = {}
for _,region in pairs(soundRegions) do
local info = {}
local region3 = Region3.new(region.Position-(region.Size/2),region.Position+(region.Size/2))
region.Transparency = .8
local region = soundInfo.Region
local sound = soundInfo.Sound
local parts = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList(region,plr.Character:GetDescendants())
Where is the script stored? If it’s in a GUI as a container, make sure the GUI has ResetOnSpawn set to false. If it’s not in a GUI, make sure it’s in StarterPlayerScripts and not StarterCharacterScripts as the character is destroyed when you die.