My actually good antivirus plugin!

Can you at least tell us what is so good about this that other alternatives don’t have?

From my observations, this doesn’t even support quarantining malicious scripts.

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Exactly what I thought. You can’t just make a new better Iphone and except people to buy it without giving reasons why.

Well for one thing, instead of attempting to delete all malicious scripts outright, it will warn you of scripts that are suspicious and may or may not malicious and tells you where those are. It makes is so it doesn’t break anything that is actually being used properly. If you want, I could even implement auto disabling the suspicious scripts. I could also add a blacklist so suspicious items don’t get disabled twice.


If the name is matched, it deletes outright.

If the Source is matched with even one word from “deletion triggers” (?), it deletes outright.

For some reason, you have two source trigger tables, why not just use one?

One of them is just to notify of scripts that seem a bit suspicious, but may not be malicious. One of them in that category is getfenv(), which I’ve seen in some obfuscated viruses. That may be being used intentionally, and I don’t want to delete a crucial part of someone’s game.

You shouldn’t be deleting at all. False positives are going to exist. You’d be better off neutralizing each script.

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I’ll fix that up then. I wanted feedback and I got it! I’ll make sure to remove that and just disable and notify.

All fixed! GitHub - MrGenie151/ViroProtect: The first actually GOOD antivirus plugin for Roblox!

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I made a thing like what you a made (but my plugin are only on spanish)

i recommend make things what i made, dont worry if you copy paste but if you can i want credits xD

(Sorry for my english because can be bad)

This looks about the same as every other anti virus that confines itself to roblox to be honest. Searching names and source for specific trigger words from a table of trigger words. What makes it different than any of them?


Haven’t checked source code yet, does it scan for keywords such as game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase inside of scripts?

Like, what if somebody just simply named their malicious script, “Script”, is there any way to counter that?

You can turn off “Allow Third Party Sales” in game settings if you have a script bringing up a purchase prompt for something you don’t own.

How is this better than already existing alternatives?
([Deprecated] Rovird - Advanced Virus Detection - #4 by geometricalC2123, which uses external source analysis to dynamically determine whether a script is malicious)

This system just uses a simple list of detectionvectors, prone to false positives among other issues.

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that plugin code looks sketchy. not installing it

I was gonna make something like this until rovird caught my eye.

also. Your codes sus. Why are you finding the first model anyway?

This needs a lot of work. It doesn’t seem that high of quality

Uh, why is the plugin script disabled by default?

Wdym by “finding the first model”?

What evidence do you have? Deleting a script instantly if it is detected is t a great practice.

I fixed that in a patch yesterday yesterday…