My code works, but when I duplicate it and switch it to another part with the same exact properties, it doesn't work

I think you need to use :FireServer with the remote event instead of WaitForChild

I didn’t clarify what I meant lol. I meant I switched waitforchild to findfirstchild, but switched the findfirstchild on the remote event to fireserver.

While it probably wouldn’t fix your issue, something you should do is remove item = v and replace any references to item with v.

I just did that. You were not wrong, no changes lol.

Honestly at this point I’m not sure what’s wrong.
I’ll probably take a break from this thread and then come back later to try and fix the problem (maybe there’s something I’m not seeing)

Same for me, I stressed over this for so long that I might not see it either.

If I fix it I’ll reply to you

It’s fixed, I put the left hand function into a new renderstepped function.

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Don’t forget to mark as solved!

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