My custom animation isn't playing

It might be the rig, try using Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation() instead of a animator:

local LoadedAnimation = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animationeee)


  • 1 |It does not give more points
  • 2 |It doesnt play the animation even with the hunanoidloadanimation

[the local loadedanimation = player.character.humanoid.loadanimation(animationee) thing i even copy and pasted it.

That is strange, try debugging by adding a print statement at the top of your triggered function. After this, check console. If it printed, the function runs. If it didnā€™t, the function isnā€™t running at all.

But Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is already deprecated, you shouldnā€™t use that.

I know that, but I am just seeing what works and what doesnā€™t.

I just might of figured it outā€¦
This is an huge problemā€¦

I have the ā€œAnimateā€ Scriptā€¦
And that script overrides animations, maybe?
without the animate script i cant move as spiderman, what is this going to be T-POSE man simulator. anyways iā€™m testing some things, and iā€™ll show you how they go

fixed, fixed, fixed, atleast for yours, when i use your,s even with the rig and animate script, it works, but if i use mine it doesnt.

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so its not really fixed e e

I took a spiderman rig from the toolbox and it worked.

thats the same i used, i had to import all the animations together (atleast i think) yeah i tested the rig on yours, and it worked, but mine doesnt for some reason. and its exactly the same, did you edit anything in yours? (also it plays like 5 times when i do it aswell)

Iā€™m not exactly sure what you mean, no, I didnā€™t edit anything in my rig.

Yours works, mine doesnt, same code, did you edit anything in yours? [not the rig, i mean the script] You have an attachment, i tried to give mine that and edit the script to make the attachment thing work, but yeah all fine, but my leaderstats script doesnt give anything, the animation on yours loops. (holy shit this is post 32 am i an idiot or something)

I didnā€™t edit anything in the rig.

Could you try the exact same thing in a baseplate?

it is legit an baseplate with an pizza box and an table

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Yes, because I accidentally made the audioā€™s looping property enabled.

I didnā€™t really edit too much in the script, but try removing the stuff you donā€™t use anymore in your script. Anyways, this is probably a problem with your rig.

fixed, the audio is not looping (i dont have headphones on) just the animation is looping, even with animation:stop() is there an way to pause or stop animations?

You might have enabled the ā€œLoopā€ property in your animation.

but it stops after an while :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong now.

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