My custom chat GUI

Video is fairly outdated from the current version, but the current version shows the basic idea of it all.

You guys like the idea?

I like it, also how do you remove the private chats?

Looks great!

Looks like it works really well. The GUI could use with a few tweaks, it doesn’t look very appealing. I’m not too sure about having the chat automatically open when someone mentions you either. If I closed the chat, then I did that for a reason… Wouldn’t want it to keep opening just because someone is mentioning my name. Perhaps a little glowing icon with the number of messages that have you mentioned? (Along with the sound of course)

This might have gotten noticed a little more if you posted in the What are you working on? thread, since it’s just a single video.

You can’t. I’ll add that! As of now the top-bar just gets a scrollbar when things get too big.

That’s a really good idea. I’ll definitely use that in the newer version.

Is that player list replacing the leaderboard? If not are you making a custom leaderboard? If not then make the list able to be hidden because as a player it seems like something that will not be necessary at all times. If so then remove that player list and make it so you can DM people by clicking on their name in the leaderboard.

You should add the ability to add other players to a direct message, which would then start a party. Not too keen on the command thing, but I guess if you explain how to work it in the UI then it should be fine. Overall this looks pretty solid.