My data store script doesn't work

Didn’t work I gave up and archived the game so from now on this topic is closed

You were probably change the player’s leaderstat on the client and thus the value being saved was 0.

It was a server script in server script service

Sure, but I’m referring to.the script(s) that was/were changing the player’s ‘Cash’ stat.

There weren’t any of these script this is a different game than the previous posts

playerData:SetAsync(playerData.."-cash", player.Cash.Value)

How was this ‘Cash’ stat being changed? Was it even being changed?

It wasn’t changing it was always zero

Right, then of course nothing was being saved/loaded, the default value for IntValue/NumberValue objects is 0.

Ok thank you so much I marked that guy’s post as a solution because his script worked and I didn’t know

This guy was correct too I guess.

I’m confused about adding ‘-cash’ to id. Also you don’t take data from data store