Heya guys, i wanted to known if you can help
I keep getting some issues with my discord webhook, i found already where the issues is but went to known why.
Here is the issues:
Heya guys, i wanted to known if you can help
I keep getting some issues with my discord webhook, i found already where the issues is but went to known why.
Here is the issues:
Which programming language are you using?
It’s on roblox studio so it’s lua
You’re missing the second argument in the table.concat. Example table.concat(table,” “)
Further Reference: What is table.concat() actually do? - #2 by TheCarbyneUniverse
Oops my bad, wait i’m gonna try
I changed my code to
But still error 400 bad request
Can you show all of your code?
Yes no problem there
function discrpc.new(getcontent, getcolor, whkurl, field1Name, field1Val, field2Name, field2Val, field3Name, field3Val, field4Name, field4Val, field5Name, field5Val)
local getfields = {}
if field1Name ~= nil then
table.insert(getfields, '{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field1Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field1Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
if field2Name ~= nil then
table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field2Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field2Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
if field3Name ~= nil then
table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field3Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field3Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
if field4Name ~= nil then
table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field4Name)..',\n["value"] = "'..tostring(field4Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
if field5Name ~= nil then
table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field5Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field5Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
local data = {
["content"] = tostring(getcontent),
["embeds"] = {{
["title"] = "Roblox Test",
["description"] = "Test ..",
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = getcolor,
["fields"] = {
table.concat(getfields, ", ")
if whkurl ~= nil then
local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
HttpServ:PostAsync(whkurl, newdata)
error("Umm, something wrong with your webhook url, not entered? mispell?")
Error code 400 is the error when the server doesn’t understand what your post mean.
Maybe, wrong Json?
Do you need what i do when i fire the function?
It’s not the game’s server error, it’s webhook’s server error.
So it is from discord or roblox?
It’s from discord, you basically send wrong json.
Read discord’s webhook documentation. Maybe.
There my script i use to fire the function
local api = require(script.DiscordApi)
Color3.new(27, 145, 248),
"Game Place",
"Game Creator",
I’m not using this module, tough. I’m not sure.
I made the module lol, but the problem is the table.concat with the fields section
If i do
local data = {
["content"] = tostring(getcontent),
["embeds"] = {
["title"] = "Roblox Test",
["description"] = "Test ..",
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = getcolor,
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Test",
["value"] = "Yep it work",
["inline"] = false
if whkurl ~= nil then
local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
HttpServ:PostAsync(whkurl, newdata)
error("Umm, something wrong with your webhook url, not entered? mispell?")
Without table.concat it work, but i need to find out how to fix the table.concat
Strange. Have you tried iterating through the getfields
array and adding it to the data?
local data = {
["content"] = tostring(getcontent),
["embeds"] = {{
["title"] = "Roblox Test",
["description"] = "Test ..",
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = getcolor,
["fields"] = {
for i,v in pairs(getfields) do
table.insert(Data["embeds"]["fields"], v)
--post the embed
i think it’s because of the color, you can’t pass a color3 value
u could just pass 1 string of the color3 value and do some string manipulation to check whenever the new color appears
like “255:255:255” or “255,255,255”
edit: nvm i just read the comments!
I’ll try thank you for your answer
I got an error: