My discord webhook doesn't work

Heya guys, i wanted to known if you can help

I keep getting some issues with my discord webhook, i found already where the issues is but went to known why.

Here is the issues:


Which programming language are you using?

It’s on roblox studio so it’s lua

You’re missing the second argument in the table.concat. Example table.concat(table,” “)

Further Reference: What is table.concat() actually do? - #2 by TheCarbyneUniverse

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Oops my bad, wait i’m gonna try

I changed my code to


But still error 400 bad request :confused:

Can you show all of your code?

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Yes no problem there

function, getcolor, whkurl, field1Name, field1Val, field2Name, field2Val, field3Name, field3Val, field4Name, field4Val, field5Name, field5Val)
	local getfields = {}
	if field1Name ~= nil then
		table.insert(getfields, '{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field1Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field1Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
	if field2Name ~= nil then
		table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field2Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field2Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')

	if field3Name ~= nil then
		table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field3Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field3Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')

	if field4Name ~= nil then
		table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field4Name)..',\n["value"] = "'..tostring(field4Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')
	if field5Name ~= nil then
		table.insert(getfields, '\n{\n["name"] = '..tostring(field5Name)..',\n["value"] = '..tostring(field5Val)..',\n["inline"] = false\n}')

	local data = {
		["content"] = tostring(getcontent),
		["embeds"] = {{
			["title"] = "Roblox Test",
			["description"] = "Test ..",
			["type"] = "rich",
			["color"] = getcolor,
			["fields"] = {
				table.concat(getfields, ", ")

	if whkurl ~= nil then
		local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
		HttpServ:PostAsync(whkurl, newdata)
		error("Umm, something wrong with your webhook url, not entered? mispell?")

Error code 400 is the error when the server doesn’t understand what your post mean.

Maybe, wrong Json?

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Do you need what i do when i fire the function?

It’s not the game’s server error, it’s webhook’s server error.

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So it is from discord or roblox?

It’s from discord, you basically send wrong json.
Read discord’s webhook documentation. Maybe.

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There my script i use to fire the function

local api = require(script.DiscordApi)
	"Testing",, 145, 248),
	"Game Place",
	"Game Creator",

I’m not using this module, tough. I’m not sure.

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I made the module lol, but the problem is the table.concat with the fields section :confused:

If i do

local data = {
    ["content"] = tostring(getcontent),
    ["embeds"] = {
            ["title"] = "Roblox Test",
            ["description"] = "Test ..",
            ["type"] = "rich",
            ["color"] = getcolor,
            ["fields"] = {
                    ["name"] = "Test",
                    ["value"] = "Yep it work",
                    ["inline"] = false

if whkurl ~= nil then
    local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
    HttpServ:PostAsync(whkurl, newdata)
    error("Umm, something wrong with your webhook url, not entered? mispell?")

Without table.concat it work, but i need to find out how to fix the table.concat :confused:

Strange. Have you tried iterating through the getfields array and adding it to the data?

local data = {
		["content"] = tostring(getcontent),
		["embeds"] = {{
			["title"] = "Roblox Test",
			["description"] = "Test ..",
			["type"] = "rich",
			["color"] = getcolor,
			["fields"] = {

for i,v in pairs(getfields) do 
table.insert(Data["embeds"]["fields"], v)

--post the embed
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i think it’s because of the color, you can’t pass a color3 value

u could just pass 1 string of the color3 value and do some string manipulation to check whenever the new color appears

like “255:255:255” or “255,255,255”

edit: nvm i just read the comments!

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I’ll try thank you for your answer :smiley:

I got an error:
