My first GFX design

hi, I attempted making GFX for the first time, please reply with any honest feedback


(This is my first GFX so there’s’ still alot for me to learn)


here’s the stuff you need to improve on:
You should try making some stuff behind the character instead of a black void.
The lighting is kind of weird in my opinion.
Thats a big rock
Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 12.44.47 PM
The pose doesn’t look realistic or that good. (Move the legs and arms around and see what you get)
heres some stuff you done really good on:
The trees and rocks look pretty well made.
You actually got lighting done.
The character looks good (the model not the pose)

Overall: 6/10 mainly because this is your first try

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thanks for the feedback! I will take these points into consideration.

You could improve the pose, lightning and maybe add effects to strength the render however for your first attempt it’s decent, over time you will improve.


Yeah, ok i will consider that,

What do u mean by “strength”

My bad I meant “strengthen” but what I mean is experiment through Photoshop such as adding flares, improving the lighting by adjusting the hue and saturation colors, adding motion/Gaussian blurs ect…

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You did a great job with the lighting but you could add a background instead of just black, or move the character a bit more to the middle to fill the black unfinished looking part of the picture.

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Moved to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations, since the lack of technical aspect. This category is intended for feedback of creations.

I think the lightings a little odd, considering how it appears to be night there should be no direct lights in what seems to be a forest. The lighting should be dimmer and preferably not from a point, but apart from that, I think youve done a great job! : D

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It looks great, I like the shadow but it could be more brighter.

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That could be like a torch which is a pretty cool effect if it is.

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It’s a decent GFX. It just that the background needs some more stuffs behind the character. Good job.

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ok i will work on this thanks for the feedback!

I like this a lot for a first GFX, but trust me HDRI’s will save your life! I use HDRI’s all the time and they really help improve your lighting.

Here’s a very popular site for free HDRIs. They have some pretty good ones, and it’s safe to use, I use it all the time. I wouldn’t use something that isn’t safe.

(I don’t know how to embed a link, so I hope just the link is fine.)


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HDRI’s are cool, but if you really want to sell your lighting I recommend a three point lighting system, I made a tutorial on that here.

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3 Point Lighting systems can be useful, but only for a little handful of things. Like Profile Pictures I can see it being good with, but for things realistic, just doesn’t fit that well. It solely depends on what type of GFX you’re going for. Both methods work efficiently*

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I mainly do all my environments in Photoshop so 3 point lighting systems work for me very well. But if you’re doing your environment in Blender then yeah I can see how it may be unrealistic.


Yeah, sorry I didn’t really consider the designing of environments in a professional 3rd Party software. Every time I’ve tried lighting with Lighting Properties, it always came out weird, but that changed when I used HDRIs, and cycles. 3 Point Lighting can still be very useful*


Haha yeah, I made this using a three point lighting system, and you probably wouldn’t even be able to tell.

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