My first plugin, GuiElements!


I’m just trying to get feedback on my current plugin and how I’ve written everything about it. You can find all of the info on it here. Please let me know what you think about it! I’m really happy to get it out there because it will also help me out a ton.

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Thanks to those who give me feedback! Thanks for reading.

  • grif

Didn’t you just write a post about this plugin yesterday?

You shouldn’t repost.

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that thing was a very hard to use model, not a plugin that i just posted really for people to know about. It was bassically a thing you ahve to read a giant wall of text to know how to use and wasnt functional at all.

Ive completely remade it into a plugin and literally all i want is feedback on how the plugin is designed + functional because ive never made a plugin before, and i want to make a useful tool for people to use and speed up development time