Alright, I’ll check tommorow and will be right back to you.
Well, depending on the models/assets used in the game, you should try and lower the tris of the models. One really helpful way is trying to incorporate blocks/cylinders into your models rather than spheres/oval meshes.
How many triangles do those trees have?
Not gonna lie but I could estimate about 10 of them each tree.
Im gonna go out on a limb here and say this is not a part issue rather a scripting issue. But just for reference please include your hardware specs so i can tell you if it is an issue with your computer or your code.
I doubt this will solve your problem as it seems to be more of careless memory usage.
What I’ve noticed is that you’ve used this plugin to create the “haunted” font. Each letter f.e being H had been created with multiple negative unions. What you might’ve not been aware of is how excessive usage of unions will impact performance rate in a negative way.
The tree from first glance looks to be high poly rather than low poly, the only way to confirm this theory is by importing the tree into blender or another 3D modeling software to determine the x amount of polys the tree has.
Unless I’m mistaken I believe the map for jailbreak has a fairly large usage of terrain voxels compared to what @Tamzy_roblox was using therefore I’m doubtful of the terrain being an issue here.
From my experience, it’s either what Operatik said, or too much is loaded at once. If there are a lot of scripts using “repeat” or “while” and use “wait()” or have no “wait” then that needs to be cut down as much as possible. If that doesn’t help, try unloading certain areas of the map on the client side. There are many ways to do this, including unloading terrain. A nice way to do it would be to use load zones.
Can you send a picture of the interior, something could be inside that is causing this?
It was actually the trees that made the game lag and I didn’t realise it was a free model because it looks similar to my own made trees, free models are horrible and I don’t even use them anyway unless for testing stuff. Thanks for helping!
It could also be that your Computer Specs are not that good.
Do you know what your Computer Specs are?
What kind of processor do you have?
Graphics Card?