My Region button for Terrain Editing is gone?

Maybe im doing something TOTALLY wrong, or hit a setting on my keyboard. Idk but somehow the region tab is missing on the Terrain Editor pannel.

What happened was, I opened RBX Studio, told me through an error that RBXS needed to update. So i downloaded the most recent version (It wasn’t updating on its own for some reason), and got to work. But once I wanted to add an Ocean i noticed the issue.

I uninstalled RBX and RBXS from my computer and reinstalled them- same error.

Is this just how the new layout is? and Im no longer allowed to make a sea level?

Any info is amazing :smiley:

Try the Search button up top.

Improvements to the Terrain Editor

They changed it in May. If you look in the Edit mode there is the Select tool for selecting regions.
As you can read in the post further down there are many complaints about not having the Sea Level tool available.

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I find that quite stupid from roblox’s choice but thank you! I left RBXS a while ago and didn’t realize the change! Thank you so much! :smiley:

Yeah, editing older water surfaces set with Sea Level looked janky for me since I couldn’t ‘paint’ at the same level so there was about a .2 stud difference in the 2 surfaces. At the time I could disable it in the beta settings, use the Sea Level tool, then go back to the new tools. I don’t know if that’s still an option now though.

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