My round timer isn't working

This is what’s in the GUI if that’s what you’re asking for:
This just changes the Text.

local status = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Status")

script.Parent.Text = status.Value
	script.Parent.Text = status.Value

And as I mentioned, after I click the button, maps gets cloned into workspace which has a intvalue inside & a script. The script is then set to wait along with the intvalue to 10 seconds, but it stops at 2, while the Intvalue is done waiting for 10 seconds.

local Status = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Status")
for  i = 10,0, -1 do
	Status.Value = "My Text here (" ..i..")" 
	if i == 0 then
		Status.Value = ""
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This is a very interesting case, the code works flawlessly in my studio which further leads me to believe this code is not the reason you’re receiving this error.

Are there any other scripts that you believe could be of any relevance to this problem?

So looks like changing the wait() to 0.8 seems to fix it. As I mentioned, I believe it seems that the IntValue is going faster while the script gets delayed for 2 seconds. So I’ll mark that as the Solution. Although tysm for the info y’all! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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