Ops, sorry, i notice what script it is now.
Tested out in Studio, and my script seemed to work perfectly fine.
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Status = replicatedStorage.Status
local topStatus = script.Parent.TopStatus
topStatus.Text = tostring(Status.Value)
topStatus.Text = tostring(Status.Value)
I believe there is something wrong with your indexing. Can I get an image of the explorer, please?
An image of my explorer:
Could we get a screenshot of the children of ReplicatedStorage too? Where is the “Status” object located?
Try this:
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Status = repStorage:WaitForChild("Status")
script.Parent.Text = tostring(Status.Value)
Put that in a LocalScript and put that LocalScript inside the status label
The status is not a label the label is a TopStatus the StringValue is Status.
I know.
What that code should do is check to see if the value of “Status” inside ReplicatedStorage has changed and if so - update the TextLabel accordingly.
It says Players.Jblocksss.PlayerGui.MainGUI.TopStatus.StatusChange:4: attempt to index nil with ‘Connect’
In the output Box.
I had a feeling, try this:
local repStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Status = repStorage:WaitForChild("Status")
script.Parent.Text = tostring(Status.Value)
Thanks so much it works! :DD I’m going to give you a follow!
Also sorry to bug you, but do you know how to add a BoolValue tag to a player using a script?
How do you mean? Bool when if true gives the player a chat tag or…?
No just add a BoolValue on the player when they join the game. Also sorry for the late response.
It should just be
Instance.new("BoolValue", plr)
Ok thanks it worked! (30 characters)