My textlabel not showing bigger number that 1e310

From what i read roblox dont allow to show number bigger that 1e310 and it show it as inf.
But i have been seen a games that have bigger numbers that 1e310 i try doing some calculations and etc but still show inf.

Is there a possible way to make it show the real number unsted of inf ?

The currect script that i use for the prefixes.

local Short = {}

Short.Comma = function(Value)
	local Number
	local Formatted = Value
	while true do  
		Formatted, Number = string.gsub(Formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
		if (Number == 0) then
	return Formatted

function addComas(str)
	return #str % 3 == 0 and str:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse():sub(2) or str:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse()

local function roundWhole(n)
	return math.floor(n + 0.5)

local function roundDecimal(t)
	return math.floor(t * 10) * 0.1

Short.en = function(Input)
	local prefixes = {
		"K", "M", "B", "T", 
		"aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj", "ak", "al", "am", "an", "ao", "ap", "aq", "ar", "as", "at", "au", "av", "aw", "ax", "ay", "az",
		"ba", "bb", "bc", "bd", "be", "bf", "bg", "bh", "bi", "bj", "bk", "bl", "bm", "bn", "bo", "bp", "bq", "br", "bs", "bt", "bu", "bv", "bw", "bx", "by", "bz",
		"ca", "cb", "cc", "cd", "ce", "cf", "cg", "ch", "ci", "cj", "ck", "cl", "cm", "cn", "co", "cp", "cq", "cr", "cs", "ct", "cu", "cv", "cw", "cx", "cy", "cz",
		"da", "db", "dc", "dd", "de", "df", "dg", "dh", "di", "dj", "dk", "dl", "dm", "dn", "do", "dp", "dq", "dr", "ds", "dt", "du", "dv", "dw", "dx", "dy", "dz"}

	if Input < 1000 then
		return string.format("%d", Input)

	local index = 0
	while Input >= 1000 and index < #prefixes do
		Input = Input / 1000
		index = index + 1

	local formattedValue
	if Input == math.floor(Input) then
		formattedValue = string.format("%.0f", Input)
	elseif Input >= 100 then
		formattedValue = string.format("%.0f", Input)
	elseif Input >= 10 then
		formattedValue = string.format("%.1f", Input)
		formattedValue = string.format("%.2f", Input)

	formattedValue = formattedValue:gsub("%.0$", "")

	formattedValue = formattedValue:gsub("%.", ",")

	return formattedValue .. prefixes[index]

return Short

screen to show the textlabel

Really? I haven’t seen one. (or probably grinded long enough)

Anyways, in this case, you need to find a new way to process and store the numbers (maybe scientific notation).

I recommend using a module that handles this for you, like InfiniteMath.

As for showing the ‘real number’, it will depend on the module you are using and you’ll have to figure out how you want to output, I think InfiniteMath has a feature for this:

If your game’s numbers go bigger than 1e+12000, maybe you could change the prefixes table (the correct word here is suffix, prefix is put before the number) into a dictionary that maps each prefix suffix with the corresponding scientific notation of the smallest number it should be used with. (for eg. “K” = 1e3)

Then, whenever you wanna update the textlabel, you get the ScientificNotation() and the first few digits of the number which is stored in InfiniteMath, add the suffix which you got from the dictionary at the end and slap that string onto the textlabel.

(Or literally just use GetSuffix() if your game doesn’t go past 12000 digits)

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