My uploaded images don't appear on a ScreenGUI

When uploading images, they don’t instantly appear on the ScreenGui like they used to do. It works appears on parts as decals, though.

It’s making me not be able to make my UI.

I have tried:

  • Checking the zindex
  • Re-uploading the image
  • Closing and re-opening the place

As you can see, the decal works and shows up on the part, but it doesn’t show up on the ImageLabel.

The funny thing about this is that when I play-test the game in Roblox, the image loads fine on the GUI, but when I play-test in studio or am in studio, it doesn’t show up

!!! The only fix I have found for this is to restart studio; however, this makes me have to restart studio for EACH image I upload, so I can finally see it. Is there anything else I could do to fix this issue?



Err… Wait for it to finish pending? If you already run the image onto said UI before it’s pended, it’s not going to show up as it already registers as not pended in-studio, which would make you have to restart.

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It has never been like this. The images have always showed up locally without being moderated. It’s just that others couldn’t see it - you could see your own uploaded unmoderated images.


Someone else had this problem a few days ago, I think Roblox made some changes/broke somethings. For the other person, they just needed to wait a bit.

Definitely annoying for developing.


They said they needed to re-open studio

@helvmm (just double checking you saw the edit)

Edit edit: Just realized Lightning_Splash replied there too saying he had the same problem (Ragdoll Universe guy, and other stuff too I guess). Probably something not working properly on Roblox’s end then.

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Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully Roblox fixes the issue as soon as possible, as it makes it impossible for UI Designers to make interfaces at the moment :pray:


This issue still occurs. Does anyone have a solution for the problem?

This issue is still happening, I hope a fix is implemented soon.

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Sometime some problem with textures in 3d objects, but that’s where moving the object somewhere and back to the same position will help and the texture will appear

What did you use to upload the Image? If it was the Asset Manager, try uploading the Image to the Roblox Website.

If the bug still occurs, then I really don’t know what to say.