Name | Introduction
Coming soon.
Rules & Guidelines
- Any trolling/disruptiveness is not permitted.
- Spamming the chat system is not permitted.
- The bypass of the filter will lead to a blacklist.
- Advertisements are not permitted whatsoever.
- No homophobia, discrimination & racism at all.
- Exploiting is not permitted. It’ll lead to a blacklist.
- Follow Roblox’s Terms of Service (TOS) at all times.
Staff Assistants+ will act accordingly for any violations.
Rank Descriptions
C | Customer
A group member eligible to apply for a job with us.
Noted Customer
This rank includes former HRs & the top 3 investors.
Business Partner
This rank is for selected allied representatives only.
Low Rank (LR)
Awaiting Training
Passed the quiz, ready to attend a training session.
1 | Apprentice Juicer
Completed training and can work at the Juice Bar.
2 | Junior Juicer
Has passed 2 training sessions.
3 | Senior Juicer
Has passed 3 training sessions.
4 | Certified Juicer
Completed final training from Senior Juicer.
See the Promotion Guide for your eligibility!
Middle Rank (MR)
5 | Staff Assistant
Moderates the Juice Bar and helps to train.
6 | Supervisor
Moderates the Juice Bar, trains, and hosts.
7 | Assistant Manager
Moderates the Juice Bar, trains & hosts.
This rank can recommend any CJ for SA.
8 | General Manager
Handles all MR duties + supervises training.
High Rank (HR)
- | Corporate Assistant
Handles promos, alliances, events, etc.
Chooses Staff/Relations team and more.
- | Chief Operating Officer
Helps the CAO with HR, PR, ER, etc.
- | Chief Administrative Officer
Handles all relations from HR, PR, ER, etc.
- | Development Team
Commissioned by us to work on updates.
Super Rank (SR)
- | Vice President
Appointed by the President, handles all SR/HR.
- | President
Managing the Juice Bar and its daily operations.
[-] Co-Owner
This rank is not achievable.
[-] Owner
Founder & Owner.
We value everyone’s contributions!
Above is a small part of what we do.
Alliance Information
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Promotion Guide
This text will be hidden