Nametag wont appear on users with different heads

I’m a little confused as to what you mean. Do you mean like if they dance for example, it won’t move with their head?

Yeah thats what I tried explaining

Gotcha. You could try parenting/adorning it to the torso maybe? As long as you don’t have any scripts that detach the head it should align with the head. If you do, I’m thinking maybe you could weld a part to the head and then parent the billboard gui to said part?

Hold up, I think I discovered something. this was in the output:

Infinite yield possible on ‘Workspace.stratolog.Head:WaitForChild(“NametagGui”)’

maybe other heads take longer to load?

I have just found that I encountered this issue today as well. Didn’t happen a few months ago when I originally made my nametag script. Have you figured out what the issue is? I feel like this might need a bug report.

Oh, yeah I did. even tho I quit the project I was making with the overhead, I still figured it out.
I added “wait()” before cloning the overhead. it seems like there was a new update and I have no idea why. I was very confused as u can tell by this post lol