Nametags in the Game Chat

Refer to my solution here:

Note my subsequent post regarding getting the Speaker object using the Chat API rather than listening for PlayerAdded.

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Theres an opcion first, you need to get all scripts from chat for this you need to press “Test”
When you’re in test mode, go to your explorer and look for Chat, copy everything in chat.
Stop the test and paste the copied scripts and folder.
Now go to the part that says “ChatModules” and press the modulescript called “ExtraDataInitializer”
Next look close from line 143, it would have to say " if not speaker:GetExtraData(“Tags”) then"
And you’ve to paste this…

local player = speaker:GetPlayer()
if player.Name=="YourPlayerNameHere" then
local tags = {
	        TagText = "NameTag",
		TagColor = Color3.fromRGB("COLOR HERE, RGB COLOR 255,255,255")
	speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", tags)
	local tags = {
		TagText = "NameTag for OtherPeople",
		TagColor = Color3.fromRGB("COLOR HERE, RGB COLOR 255,255,255")
	speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", tags)

I got it already. Thanks though.