Native keyboard support for iPad

There aren’t plans, but it has been brought up by many and I think it makes sense due to the sheer number of mobile devices reaching laptop performance.

I think that mouse and keyboard support should like, happen tomorrow though. It’s been long overdue and I don’t feel like waiting years like you guys have. Can someone higher up be directly messaged?

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It’s like Linux support, the amount of people who will actually use a studio on mobile is very small. And once again, rewriting studio for an entirely different lang? jesus christ, what the hell do you expect. I very much doubt that something as crazy as studio is even possible in Swift alone.

an iPad does not need more than 12 GB of ram, no mobile game takes up that much memory. 32 GB is the amount my gaming PC has bro, plus iPads are already overpriced and can’t be upgraded.

Computers will always be at the top of the tech hierarchy, whether you like it or not.


You’re going off point of this thread/original topic, the comment about mobile studio is just theory crafting.

Back on topic, mobile roblox client, PC, and console are universal and you can surprisingly get PC experience (PC UI scheme, mouse, etc) CURRENTLY possible by plugging in wired or wirelessly a mouse and keyboard on most android devices, Xbox, but has poor support if any on apple and mouse movement is very flawed on android without proper pointer capture.

Considering 70%+ of roblox device demographic are mobile players not only that an update for proper mouse and keyboard support would benefit players on every single platform type except VR

This gives players MORE options to play games, increase accessibility, and may be more financially appealing to certain users.

Mouse and keyboard support on mobile devices is already 3/4 functioning they just need to officially finish baking it, this needs more attention


I 100% this too, trackpad support for iPad works and Apple Pencil works, why not keyboard support?


This feature is a must have for mobile


It is 2024 and somehow this feature is still a dream, no solution yet :frowning:


please PLEASE add this

it makes so much sense to


Why is it always that the features needed by the community always get ignored. I’m pretty sure this should be as usual to implement since it only listens for input, right?


This addition to Roblox would make iPad gameplay much more easier and more fun for many individuals. I personally would like to rather be able to play on my iPad when I want to use my keyboard rather than changing over to another device to play Roblox


Exactly. This post is so on point, since people have actually started using tablets as laptop replacements thanks to how powerful they started to become. Tested with Android, I saw that Android OS allows keyboard support. Is there like some kind of roadblock restricting keyboard input for games?


Right?! I have a first party apple keyboard and I couldn’t utilize it in Roblox. iPads have gotten more powerful. Theres literally M4 Powered iPads, Surely Roblox is able to handle a lot of the work but a simple feature of a mouse and keyboard is not supported.