Need assistance with a script

Isn’t storing by name bad practice though?

It is, kind of. There is something else we can do, which is Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync if I remember correctly.


Yeah, because if you change your user name then you’ll lose your top time

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Preciate you mane! Thank y’all for the help man and have a good night. Its borderline embarrassing asking for a lot of help because when I do try to do coding by myself I mess stuff up. And then y’all make it look so easy!

Where do i put that in this script?

-- [ SERVICES ] --

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

-- [ LOCALS ] --

local DataVer = "[DataTimer]" -- Data Store Name
local Store = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("LeaderBoardData2")

-- [ FUNCTIONS ] --

_G.ForceSet = function(plrName, newTime)
	local num = tonumber(newTime)

	num = num * 1000
	Store:SetAsync(plrName, num)

game.ReplicatedStorage.ApplyTime.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, newTime) -- On Event
	local num = tonumber(newTime)
	local oldData = Store:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
	if oldData then
		oldData = oldData / 1000
		oldData = 1000
	---- ANTI CHEAT (needs fixing)
	if num < oldData then
		if num <= 900.00 then
			plr:Kick("No cheating bucko!")
			num = num * 1000
			Store:SetAsync(plr.Name, num)

It’s not an easy one, but it actually does not seem to go into that script, but rather the one that updates the leaderboard. In this script, you should keep the UserId version.

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Preciate you mane! Y’all have a good night! :sunglasses: :metal:

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Yo MrShowerMan, I know it’s been a few days but how do I fix all these numbers after the decimal here? I only want the first 3 numbers after the decimal point, but I don’t know where to edit it in the code you gave me here. Also, I don’t really want rounded numbers:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

-- [ LOCALS ] --

local DataVer = "DataTimer" -- Data Store Name

local Store = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("LeaderBoardData4")

local RationalDigits = 3 -- How many numbers show.

-- [ FUNCTIONS ] --

function GetLBData()

	local success, pages = pcall(function()
		return Store:GetSortedAsync(true, 10)

	if success and pages then
		local topTimes = pages:GetCurrentPage()
		for rank, data in pairs(topTimes) do
			local val = data.value / 1000

			local decimalOffset = math.pow(10, RationalDigits)
			local RoundedTime = math.round(val*decimalOffset)/decimalOffset
			local PrettyTime = tostring(RoundedTime + (1 / (decimalOffset * 10))):sub(0, -2)

			script.Parent.SurfaceGui["A" .. tostring(rank)].PlrName.Text = data.key .. ": " .. PrettyTime


while wait(60) do

This code should fix that Issue. You essentially had something called Floating Point Error that occurs when you do asthmatic with values that are less then one. To counter act this issue I just remove the extra digits that weren’t needed.

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

-- [ LOCALS ] --

local DataVer = "DataTimer" -- Data Store Name

local Store = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("LeaderBoardData4")

local RationalDigits = 3 -- How many numbers show.

-- [ FUNCTIONS ] --

function GetLBData()

	local success, pages = pcall(function()
		return Store:GetSortedAsync(true, 10)

	if success and pages then
		local topTimes = pages:GetCurrentPage()
		for rank, data in pairs(topTimes) do
			local val = data.value / 1000

			local decimalOffset = math.pow(10, RationalDigits)
			local RoundedTime = math.round(val*decimalOffset)/decimalOffset
			local splitComplete = tostring(RoundedTime + (1 / (decimalOffset * 10))):split(".")
			local PrettyTime = splitComplete[1] .. "." .. splitComplete[2]:sub(0, 3)

			script.Parent.SurfaceGui["A" .. tostring(rank)].PlrName.Text = data.key .. ": " .. PrettyTime


while wait(60) do
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Thanks man, also I found a random remoteevent in replicatedstorage that I had to delete! I thought that was what was wrong with my main script but for some reason its still being strange. I reset my character 2 times when I walked through the start part and when I went through the end part my time showed up on the leaderboard. But when I speed ran the obby this morning with one of the homies our times didn’t show up. I just don’t understand what’s wrong with this script, it’s the only thing holding the game back! Please pay attention to the text at the very top of the script between the brackets. That’s what I was trying to tell you guys about!

	@author TwinPlayzDev_YT
	@since 6/1/2021
	This script will apply the leaderboard time, and check if a player has finished or completed the obby.
	Only saves time when they fully complete course without dieing.

-- [ SERVICES ] --

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")

-- [ LOCALS ] --

local DataVer = "[DataTimer]" -- Data Store Name
local Store = DataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("LeaderBoardData4")

-- [ FUNCTIONS ] --

_G.ForceSet = function(plrName, newTime)
	local num = tonumber(newTime)

	num = num * 1000
	Store:SetAsync(plrName, num)

game.ReplicatedStorage.ApplyTime.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, newTime) -- On Event
	local num = tonumber(newTime)
	local oldData = Store:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
	if oldData then
		oldData = oldData / 1000
		oldData = 1000
	---- ANTI CHEAT (needs fixing)
	if num < oldData then
		if num <= 900.00 then
			plr:Kick("No cheating!")
			num = num * 1000
			Store:SetAsync(plr.Name, num)

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