Need help animating tools

I’m trying to animate the player eating rice with chopsticks. Right now it seems like the tools are only attached to the hands. In my animation I made it so the tools are a bit more interactive.

Here is the result in animation editor

Here is the result in play mode

The code

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

--The player 
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local leftHand = char:WaitForChild("LeftHand")

local animation = script.Parent.Animation
local animationTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

local tool = script.Parent 
local handle = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Handle")


	print("Tool Activated")
	local motor6D ="Motor6D")
	motor6D.Parent = leftHand
	motor6D.Part0 = leftHand
	motor6D.Part1 = handle

Tool doesnt get attached to player’s hand in first place since Script does that. You might have to get another rig that has only the bowl as a tool, and chopsticks already attached to the hand.
Overall, you’re totally fine!

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So should I play 2 animations when i run the script?

You will be fine with just 1. I mean’t that chopsticks shouldn’t be in the tool but attached to the hand in the first place (for animating, since in-game it works fine you dont need to do anything in the script)

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I’m confused right now, right now I feel like that I’m only animating the arms and that the handles are just moving with them since I attached them using motor6d

Is their a way to like animate the tools? Also do you have a procedure when animating like a checklist

Why did you used Motor6D’s? Normal Welds should work too in my opinion

I don’t have a checklist or anything, i just animate.

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I’ve had this problem myself, you need to weld the tool the the hand (If the game is in r15 just weld it to the hand part not the whole arm or else the animation may break.) and then put the tool into the rig so that the tool becomes a part of the animation, hope that helped. :smiley:

Have a good day!

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I’m pretty new at animating and I just followed this tutorial How to animate a tool/object with a Dummy in the Animation Editor

the problem is on the chopstick its like inside the players hand, inside the animation editor i orientated better

Does it count if you use motor6ds, because inside my animation editor I could edit the handles

It should not count, you don’t need to use motor6ds to run an animation. I suggest making a simple ‘function onClick()’ script. (if you need help with that script I will send it to you)