Need help creating a map generation system (SOLVED!)

there is only 2 reasons i’m aware of that will prevent a script from running

  1. it does not have the correct Parent
  2. its disabled

other then them 2 reasons i have never seen a script not run

My script has the right parent and is not disabled. Is there any other way?

Can you send me a screenshot of where the script is and the scripts properties?

Ok here is a screenshot of those:


The rest of the stuff in Workspace are for something else.


And if you delete everything inside the script and only have

print("Hello World")

Can you see it print that in the output window?

It printed out Hello World! in the output. So that works.

ok grate now we no the script is running :slight_smile:

now lets change the script to

local seed = nil -- if the seed is nil then it will be a random seed
local rand =
local chunks = game.ReplicatedStorage.Generation:GetChildren()
local chunkSpacing = 11

print("Found", #chunks, "Chunks")

for x = -10, 10 do
	for z = -10, 10 do
		print("Loading Chunk", x, z)
		-- select a random chunk model
		local i = rand:NextInteger(1, #chunks)
		-- clone the random chunk
		local clone = chunks[i]:Clone()
		-- position the clone chunk
		clone:PivotTo( * chunkSpacing, 0, z * chunkSpacing))
		-- parent the clone
		clone.Parent = workspace

and lets see what it prints

It only printed SCRIPT STARTING.

are there any errors after it prints script started?

Now I see a error.

Here it is:

11:51:29.196 Workspace.MapGenerationSystem:3: invalid argument #1 to ‘new’ (number expected, got nil) - Server -

that’s strange if we do

local rand =
local chunks = game.ReplicatedStorage.Generation:GetChildren()
local chunkSpacing = 11

print("Found", #chunks, "Chunks")

for x = -10, 10 do
	for z = -10, 10 do
		print("Loading Chunk", x, z)
		-- select a random chunk model
		local i = rand:NextInteger(1, #chunks)
		-- clone the random chunk
		local clone = chunks[i]:Clone()
		-- position the clone chunk
		clone:PivotTo( * chunkSpacing, 0, z * chunkSpacing))
		-- parent the clone
		clone.Parent = workspace

does that still error?

Does seem to work, but it is very buggy and it decides to lag the place file.

What I mean by buggy is that it spawns plots inside each other of what I can see because of the lag.

Edit: Here is a screenshot of what the file looks like when it is run:

so currently the script is spawning 20 by 20 (20x20 = 400) models with 11 studs of spacing apart

so if any plots are smaller or bigger then 11 studs it will overlap

You’re not allowed to blatantly just ask for a script. Show us code you’ve tried, and we will improve from it.


Here is my recommendation

make it simple

so lets have a chunk which can be any size “example: 50 studs per chunk

create some 50 studs chunk placed side by side

then make a area by hand “example: city, forest, hills” which are randomized

top chunks are city, bottom chunks are city, middle chunks are forest

then make sure the the parts that you gonna parent to the chunks are optimized for this method or else it won’t look good “not seamless

it could take 4 or 2 days to make one for an average scripter, a complex version much longer

– good luck with your map generation system

Is it possible that I can have it bigger than 11 studs and it won’t overlap?

yes its possible just change 11 to any number you want

Does seem to work! Thank you for helping out :slight_smile: