Need help making bullet fly smoother

I want to make a gun that functions well, the only problem is working the LinearVelocity, having a velocity of around 200, plus, with blunderbuss shooting 12 bullets at once with a velocity of 100.

Is there any way to make the LinearVelocity better? If not, then what is an alternative?
I’ve seen stuff with ray casting, but I like the idea of drop off, and it gets weird with raycasting.

For bullets, I would recommend using FastCast, unless there is some specific reason you can’t.

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I second this. Fastcast is an amazing tool, allowing for heavy customisation. Although it might be a bit hard to grasp at first, it’ll be worth the time. You can look through the debug gun and visit the fastcast api site and easily implement it to your system. It includes drop, piercing, and whatnot. I would suggest using PartCache to improve optimization and allow quicker response for pre-created bullets, especially if you want to fire a lot of bullets in a short amount of time.