Need help on if statement

It’s basically an if statement “if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(“Card”)” and if the surface gui’s text on the card is the same number as “t” the number then it will run the function. (the player is not only the client but the whole server’s player) Sorry if this is quite confusing.

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This is just an example, modify it to work on your game

if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(“Card”) and Player.Backpack.Card.SurfaceGui.Text == t then

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local card = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Card")
if card then--assert the card exists in backpack first
    local num = tonumber(--find the surfaceGui's Text where the number is)
    if num then--assert num *is* a number, else the code should stop
        if num == t then
            --call your function

This is a safer method handling the possibility the card and/or the number on it do not exist.
If you’re adapting this to checking all players, hold a boolean value prior to looping through them, initialized to true. It’ll represent whether everyone is OK or not. If you ever encounter a players’ card s.t. num ~= t, set the bool to false and break.
Check after if the bool is true/false to see if everyones’ card is equivalent or not.


I am confused on how it works. Would you mind explaining it again?

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Sure. This line:
local card = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Card")
will store the reference to the “Card” instance inside the variable card, if it exists. If it doesn’t, it will return nil. Thus,
if card then
is stating “if card exists, then…” should card not exist, “if nil exists” is false, so the embedded code won’t run.

Same idea for num – tonumber([the text label].Text) will convert a string into a number, if it can be converted to a number. This will return nil if .Text contains something that’s not numerical, like “hello.”
That means if num then is saying “if num contains a valid number, then…”

Finally, if num == t then is saying "If the number held in num and the number held in t are the same, then…``

You can provide alternative code to these statement by using else-statements, but they don’t seem necessary by your code requirements.


Problem: you are using FindFirstChild and not using it

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I’m using FindFirstChild to check if Card exists in the backpack. If it doesn’t exist, then the if statement will not continue, but if it exists, then it will check for the next argument which checks if the text is equal to t.

It’s still bad practice. you should assign a variable for it.

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Hello, is this script correct?

Control = script.Parent.Control

ABlack2 = script.Parent.ABlack2

t = 1000
Counter1 = script.Parent.Parent.TV.Room1

Button1 = script.Parent.RealScreen1.Screen.Normal.Next


	if Player.Team.Name == "Medical Staff" then
		local card = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Card")
		if card then
		local num = tonumber(card.Handle.SurfaceGui.TextBox.Text)
		if num then
		if num == t then
		t += 1
		Counter1.SurfaceGui.TextBox.Text = t
		script.Parent.Parent.TV.Room1.SurfaceGui.TextBox.Text = t 
		Button1.Text = t 
		Control.Dong.Playing = true
		Control.Dong.Playing = false

(I tested it, doesn’t work for some reason.)

I added a bunch of debug statements. Let me know what it outputs? It’ll tell you on each operation if the card is good or not.

	if Player.Team.Name == "Medical Staff" then
		print(Player.Name .. ' is medical staff...')
		local card = Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Card")
		if card then
			print(Player.Name .. ' has a card...')
			local num = tonumber(card.Handle.SurfaceGui.TextBox.Text)
			if num then
				print(string.format("%s's card is number #%d", Player.Name, num))
				if num == t then
					print(string.format("%s's card is the correct number (%d == %d)", Player.Name, num, t))
					t += 1
					Counter1.SurfaceGui.TextBox.Text = t
					script.Parent.Parent.TV.Room1.SurfaceGui.TextBox.Text = t 
					Button1.Text = t 
					warn(string.format("%s's card isn't the right number (%d =/= %d"), Player.Name, num, t))
				warn(Player.Name .. '\'s card does not have a number')
			warn(Player.Name .. ' does not have a card')
		warn(Player.Name .. ' is not Medical Staff')

Is there an error? Run it and see what text appears in the console from the print/warn statements
Edit Sorry just noticed a typo.
The two underlined strings – it should be “%s’s” not “%'s” I’ll edit my original snippet

Only this, it doesn’t print/warn the other statements. Workspace.C1PC.PC1.PC1 Module:52: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got ')'

Fixed the typo, there’s still an error. Workspace.C1PC.PC1.PC1 Module:52: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got ')'

Which line is 52? I’m not seeing a missing closing parenthesis in that snippet

This one. needed more words

Oh, move the “)” at the end of that string inside the quote so it reads “%d)”

Like this?

					warn(string.format("%s's card isn't the right number (%d =/= %d)"), Player.Name, num, t)

Almost, it was the other ). Should read:
warn(string.format("%s's card isn't the right number (%d =/= %d)", Player.Name, num, t))
My bad for the errors I wasn’t able to compile the code without replicating the rest of your system

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