Need help the Positions are wrong

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want the client and server position to be the same with the object and the player character. This is related to my old thread, in my old thread someone had stated that it was due to the latency but that isn’t right because it happens in most my creations when I create a skill. I need the position to be right because the ball shoots at the direction of where the server script got the mouse position from and as the position from client and server is different the ball does not go at the right direction and shoots at the wrong way.
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    My object and character position is different in client and server. As shown below


THESE 3 below are from the server


  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I have tried finding different forums related to this but I couldn’t find any. I tried over 2 hours now but I couldn’t find a solution. I have tried many solutions but I still can’t find a way, is it because I am using everything in one server script?

Below is not the full script but some part of the script, because the rest of the script is other stuff. This is all in a server script fired by a remote event when a tool fires a remote event from a local script. This script is part of the shooting ball.

local bv ="BodyVelocity",Part)
						bv.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
						bv.Velocity =,100,0)

						Part.Anchored = true

Why not make this all local?
Is this going to be an issue for other players or gameplay to see the server latency?

I want all players to see the effects but the thing is the ball is wrong on all clients it just the server and client see the ball different position. I don’t think this is because of server latency. as when I shoot the ball it shoots at the wrong way. Look here

In your first post you said that the ball is shooting the wrong way but by your screenshots it looked like you were having issues with the effect.
Latency plays a huge part in issues with Animations. If your game or scripts are lagging for any reason then 1/10th of a second may cause huge issues between what the client sees and what the server is sending. Having the client creating one thing and sending that information to the server, then having that info sent to all the players from the server is the problem.
I bet you’ve played games with players whose computers are slow, and they appear to jump in position when travelling. That is lag (latency).
Raycasting might help you out: Weapon server lag

I understand what you mean, so you are saying server can’t handle a lot of information and I need to use more client instead to decrease lag? So that is also the case with the top image that uses bezier curves? I will try to do what you said for now, so thank you for a response.