Need help to get started in scripting

So recently, I’ve really gotten into scripting, but I am struggling on where to start or should I say how to start? I’ve learned some basics like what are variables, functions, if statements, loops. But these are the basics and I can’t use them properly either… Like I know how to create them but don’t know how to use them efficiently in a game. So please help me throughout my journey.


Read through the whole API to learn about what different stuff are and what it does. Also, just experiment. You cant do anything wrong so just experiment everything and try to learn from it. Watch youtube tutorials too for a better explanation. What I would do, is what I told above, or I would think to myself what I wanna try to make, to have a goal to achieve and work for it. For example you can set your goal to make a elevator, you would want to learn about CFrame and much more that you will learn alot from by doing! Also remember to learn from your mistakes. Never give up!

Happy coding :slight_smile:


AlvinBlox’s YouTube videos are helpful for beginners. Following some of his tutorials will help you improve. Also, the developer hub has a lot of tutorials on it, and just reading about the different classes, functions, properties will help you familiarize yourself with Roblox Studio.


You wont learn Lua unless you challenge yourself to code things

A few suggestions for new scripters to look into

  • A function that prints everything in a table
  • A very simple weapon
  • Moving blocks using CFrame

All these teach you how to use certain concepts in Roblox.
To learn how to program, you cant just learn it by watching Youtube vids and reading articles, the best way to learn is practise. be practical, apply what you’ve learnt

Want to make a dictionary based data system? Go for it! The only limits are your imagination and robloxscriptsecurity

I’ll for sure give a try for the function that prints everything.

Here’s a better one still


check it out.

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