Need help trying to make an Apeirophobia flashlight

So I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make a flashlight that looks like this
But I’m almost new to scripting and I can only make a basic flashlight without any ring
And stuff

I’ve tried putting a cylinder and a part with a spotlight behind so that it would make a ring but
It didn’t work and the flashlight wasn’t following where the player was looking at.


my guess is there’s a part in front of the flashlight, welded to it, and on the part is a semitransparent image.
if the ring can be seen by a different angle, somewhere where the camera isn’t facing the same direction as the flashlight, then that’d help. or if you can see whether the ring gets smaller as you get closer to a wall.

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I’d recommend grabbing a pre-made flashlight from toolbox and looking at how it works, then incorporating that into your own flashlight


As far as i know the ring in the flashlight are made if the shadows are on when using this or other models:

I don’t know how you would make it otherwise; i am guessing the flashlights pull-out animation is just an animation being played when you press the key to turn on the flashlight. I’m not sure!

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It looks like a tool with 2 SpotLights parented to it.

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Here is the flashlight from the game Goofy Runners:


It doesn’t have a ring on it when you use it, but it works!
Thank you!

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My module has a ring and acts like the Apeirophobia flashlight.

Enjoy it: Flashlight Source


This was what I was looking for! One thing though the ring in the flashlight for some reason lags when you look around

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Yeah that’s the flaw about that. I’ll try fixing it.

I didn’t fix it however, I made a optimization update that way game doesn’t lag as much as it USED to when you used this module. Flashlight looks more smoother. Update your module

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Hey day, do you know how to make the spot light when full graphics illuminate correctly?