Hello dev forum, I am once again here looking for help.Currently I’m making a car spawner which looks for free parking lots to spawn the car in so there won’t be any cars stuck in other cars which works but it just dosn’t do anything if it find it blocked, Is there a way to make it look for a free lot and try again instead of not spawning a car?
for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Buttons:GetChildren()) do
if game.ServerStorage.Vehicles.Zivil[v.Name] then
if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name.."'s Car") then
local wk = game.Workspace.Game.CarSpawner.Zivil:GetChildren()
local rndm = wk[math.random(1, #wk)]
print("Lot's available: "..#wk.." Selected: "..rndm.Name)
if #rndm:GetTouchingParts() <= 0 then
local clone = game.ServerStorage.Vehicles.Zivil[v.Name]:Clone()
clone.Name = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name.."'s Car"
clone.Parent = game.Workspace
print("Lot Blocked")
Oh I got the message messed up. You can try making a function that checks all spaces if they are empty using for i, v in ipairs(lotsfolder) to get each region3 make a individual hitbox and use this function:
function PartToRegion3(part)
local abs = math.abs
local cf = obj.CFrame -- this causes a LuaBridge invocation + heap allocation to create CFrame object - expensive! - but no way around it. we need the cframe
local size = obj.Size -- this causes a LuaBridge invocation + heap allocation to create Vector3 object - expensive! - but no way around it
local sx, sy, sz = size.X, size.Y, size.Z -- this causes 3 Lua->C++ invocations
local x, y, z, R00, R01, R02, R10, R11, R12, R20, R21, R22 = cf:components() -- this causes 1 Lua->C++ invocations and gets all components of cframe in one go, with no allocations
-- https://zeuxcg.org/2010/10/17/aabb-from-obb-with-component-wise-abs/
local wsx = 0.5 * (abs(R00) * sx + abs(R01) * sy + abs(R02) * sz) -- this requires 3 Lua->C++ invocations to call abs, but no hash lookups since we cached abs value above; otherwise this is just a bunch of local ops
local wsy = 0.5 * (abs(R10) * sx + abs(R11) * sy + abs(R12) * sz) -- same
local wsz = 0.5 * (abs(R20) * sx + abs(R21) * sy + abs(R22) * sz) -- same
-- just a bunch of local ops
local minx = x - wsx
local miny = y - wsy
local minz = z - wsz
local maxx = x + wsx
local maxy = y + wsy
local maxz = z + wsz
local minv, maxv = Vector3.new(minx, miny, minz), Vector3.new(maxx, maxy, maxz)
return Region3.new(minv, maxv)
After looping through each lot spot if there is a free spot then return the Lot’s hitbox and you can spawn the car in the Lot. (The reason to turn it into a function is so when you do return it stops looping.)