I’m developing a small game and want to implement a custom inventory system.
The system should display every item I own, including those in the hotbar.
When an item is clicked, I want the option to equip, unequip, or delete it.
I’m not directly asking for code, even a general idea can help.
Hello! I will surely help you in this case.
You asked to have your own custom inventory system, this not too difficult but require some scripting experiences.
First of all, you need to create your own ScreenGui which contains slots that can be filled by the player’s tool thumbnail and you may ask, how to get these thumbnails?
You just need to for into the children’s of the player’s backpack and get all Instance that is a Tool and get their thumbnails to place them in those slots and if they don’t have a thumbnail, place a text.
If you want to add this equip, unequip system, you will need to create a script that detect whenever the player clicks on one of the slots, get the tool by the name for example and use the Humanoid#EquipTool(Tool) to force the player to equip the tool, and same thing for unequip.
Don’t forget to disable the backpack and slotbarCoreGUI of the player.
Sorry if it gets messy, and if you have other questions, ask them!