Need help with HTTP requests

I see, sorry, I just changed my settings that no one could send me message lol. Lemme change it.

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This error is given due to sending too many requests. I’m assuming when someone in your game gets to a certain level you give them a role in your group. But for every level it’s too much, the user should be given a role whenever they hit max level in your game. Assuming the code below is yours

while wait() do
	if XP.Value == 0 then
		Level.Value = 0
	elseif XP.Value == 6 then
		Level.Value = 1
		game.ReplicatedStorage.RankInGroup:FireServer(player, 1)

Like stated previously use .Changed and not a while loop to fix this

This has been already fixed, so no point in saying this again, thanks tho…

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