Need help with loop code and GetTouchingParts

You’ll need the Positions of the models too.

“TouchEnded is fired whenever a part is no longer touching another part after they have already touched”
That is what I’d like to happen. But it fires once a part finish touching another, not “no longer touching” .
Thankyou for replying :slight_smile:
I’ll take a look into bounding box.

Umm, would you mind running me through what I have to do to use :GetBoundinBox in my code?

No longer touching and finish touching in this instance mean the same thing. You want something that can detect when 2 parts are not touching (even if they have never touched). Which is a lot different.

True, but every time I use TouchEnded it fires as soon as the player moves when they’re touching the part. Anyways, are you able to run me through how I would use bounding box in my code?

Or is there a way to use magnitude but make it more accurate?

You could add a debounce to limit the number of times the function connected to the fired event is executed.

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Ah, yes, the good old debounce. Thankyou for your help. I’ve got it working now. Thankyou!