Need help with making a script, where, if you place blocks, other players can see it

Okay, but if you select it from the server side and fly up to it, will you see it?

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Read the code that she/he/idk gave you :

remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, block, position)
	local clone = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BlueBlock"):Clone()
	clone.Parent = workspace.Blocks.BlueBlocks
	clone.Position = -- Why make it inside of when it's already a vector?

should be :

remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, block, position)
	local clone = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("BlueBlock"):Clone()
	clone.Parent = workspace.Blocks.BlueBlocks
	clone.Position = position
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Yes, i tried to place it in client, and then i went to server, still didnt see it.

Wait a sec, what is position anyway

“position” represent the position of the shadow_block

thank you both, holy crap. THNK YOU

It’s no problem, well my time here is now truly have gone so, peace out.

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Wait, could you help me on my other post, i alslo need help with another issue with the building system.

Well, I could help you but it’s 0:35 A.M right now. So tomorrow.

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alright, have a nice rest. Thank you a lot.

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