I was trying to better understand Motor6D’s & from Weld | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub I learnt
weld.C0 = weld.Part0.CFrame:Inverse() * weld.Part1.CFrame * weld.C1
However when I apply this value multiple times through a loop I get odd behavior
My character starts to spin
So what gives?
Is the math incorrect or is there something else going on?
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With motor6Ds there is also the transform property that should be taken into account caused by animations.
Try doing this, it should make no changes theoretically as it sets the C0 to move the part1 to part 1 cframe:
weld.C0 = weld.Part0.CFrame:Inverse() * weld.Part1.CFrame * weld.C1 * weld.Transform:Inverse()
Thanks for the swift reply 
How did you find this information so I know for next time
No problem.
The information is oddly not on the documentation but on a devforum post:
Part parent is the part0 that is closest to the root part of the assembly, and part child is the part1.
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