Also I hope I don’t get hacked or get anything stolen because I did that. Don’t really know what I’m doing but I don’t think sharing a file could cause something like that…
Don’t worry, sharing a place file only gives me access to the contents of the game and nothing else. I’m currently checking the cause of the problem and i’ll give you a solution once i’ve found it.
Your “YesOne” and “NoOne” are the buttons that are actually visible, you have binded .MouseButton1Click to wrong buttons, I’ve changed it for you an edited the contents inside to fix it for you (Forgot to completely change everything which would have caused another bug which is the reason for the edit)
local Frame = script.Parent
local No = script.Parent.No
local Yes = script.Parent.Yes
local MainLabel = script.Parent.MainLabel
local NoOne = script.Parent.NoOne
local YesOne = script.Parent.YesOne
local ImageLabelYes = script.Parent.Yes.ImageLabel
local ImageLabelYesOne = script.Parent.YesOne.ImageLabel
local ImageLabelNo = script.Parent.No.ImageLabel
local ImageLabelNoOne = script.Parent.NoOne.ImageLabel
MainLabel.Text = "You Should Be. Are You Afraid Of The Dark?"
No.Visible = true
NoOne.Visible = false
ImageLabelNo.Visible = false
ImageLabelNoOne.Visible = true
Yes.Visible = true
YesOne.Visible = false
ImageLabelYes.Visible = false
ImageLabelYesOne.Visible = true
MainLabel.Text = "How Interesting. I'm Sure Your Answer Will Soon Change. Are You Afraid Of The Dark"
MainLabel.Visible = true
Yes.Visible = true
YesOne.Visible = false
ImageLabelYes.Visible = false
ImageLabelYesOne.Visible = true
No.Visible = true
NoOne.Visible = false
ImageLabelNo.Visible = false
ImageLabelNoOne.Visible = true
Yep, that fixed it. Thanks for helping me I really appreciate it. I will use this and learn from it
Oh, thank you! I was struggling to find the issue.
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