Need help with scripting

Hello devs, today I was trying to make something related with marbles. I actually wanted to make a controllable marble. Although, I have no idea on how to make it. Please guide me to script a working player marble. Thank you.

did you read what it said before you posted. but honestly I don’t know

There’s a tonne of videos/scripts online to show you step by step of how to make such feature.

I’ve checked in youtube, they are outdated. The videos date back an year.

This recourse dates back just shy of 5 months ago.

Thanks a lot, I will try it out.


And it is just a free model. I do not want to insert anything from toolbox. I would like to make it from scratch.

To do it from scratch, I wouldn’t know.
However, using EgoMoose’s example could show you the ropes on how to achieve said goals and then try to replicate it on your own.

Ok, thank you. I shall try the following.

It’s very glitchy, the CFrame does not work right.

Then again as I mentioned previously, it’s to show you the ropes. The game is open-source, so you can edit it in Studio to inspect all the scripts. There’s bound to be scripts that just handle the movement, so focus your sight on those and use them to either copy or replicate them yourself.

Ok, I will see it. If I cannot figure out what to do, I will ask for help again. Thanks a lot for your patience.

@EgoMoose can you please help me to fix the glitches in your game?

Please guide me on how to fix this.

Well, the video was uploaded 10 months ago but that Devforum post was created in June 2nd this year which was about 5 months ago.

Yeah, well the tutorial is outdated though.

And I would like to work on it from scratch.

Its not that outdated, most of it will still work the same.